mercredi 12 avril 2017

Urgent! Crash d'un hélicoptère à kavumu sud kivu

Crash d'un elicopteur a l'aéroport national de bukavu a kavumu, tout à l'heure. Plus d'infos dans les heures qui suivent

attaque de Dortmund

Trois charges explosives ont«détoné» mardi près du bus des joueurs de Dortmund, avant le quart de finale de Ligue des champions contre Monaco. Prévu à 20h45, le match a été reporté à mercredi, à 18h45.

dimanche 9 avril 2017

Islamic State group claims responsibility for two church attacks in Egypt

n Uzbek man suspected of driving a truck into a crowd in Stockholm, killing four people, had expressed sympathy for the Islamic State group and was wanted for failing to comply with a deportation order, Swedish police said on Sunday.

Another 15 people were injured on Friday when a hijacked beer delivery truck barrelled down a busy shopping street before crashing into a department store and catching fire. The Uzbek was arrested several hours later.

"We know that the suspect had expressed sympathy for extremist organisations, among them IS," Jonas Hysing, chief of national police operations, told a news conference, using an acronym for the ultra-hardline militant group.

In Europe, vehicles have also been used as deadly w